Thanks Eva.
This is what Icelandic People need to realise.
For me As I am a Democratic citizen of Iceland I can not belive the Lack of interest My Government is showing to support you in the Research on this and how We can find the Criminals and punish them in this case.
and that of Course will lead you (Us) to the what is left of all the money, form this SCAM.
I am pretty sure a big part of the money are stored in some TAX free Island or Country and can be found and reclaimed to finish also the Claims from uk and holland.
But we will remember these countrys when we will be full memebers of the EU and I dont want to see any dutch or uk fishing boat in iceland for the rest of my life.
Thanks Again Eva but you are opening peoples eys for this big problem we are facing, but we need our GOVERNMENT to start taking this seriously.
Pls Continu with your good work and finish it if you can.
Brg Stefan V.
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Uppfęrt į 3 mķn. fresti.
Sammįla, sammįla, sammįla.
Baldvin Baldvinsson (IP-tala skrįš) 3.8.2009 kl. 19:02
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
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